I hope I don't sound like I'm bragging, but I totally am. 

We left off on Sunday right?  Ok, so Saturday.

Lol! I just wrote 4 paragraphs about Sunday.  Oh well, copy paste to last post and forward ho!

Monday was cold and for the first part of it, due to my inability to defeat how lazy I am in the mornings, I was pretty bummed.  I did stuff at the library, but wasn't productive there.  Damn you lack of Coffee!  So when JD logged off, I headed home to do the poster thing.  I bought a big 2*3 ish poster for 50 cents and 8 markers for like 2 bucks.  I tried to write "Mission Accomplished" on it, but accomplished would fit so I settled on "HIRE ME" under which I wrote "for: Dog Walking, Paper Writing, Life Coach, Wingman, Domestic Chores, Escort, Finding Stuff, Odd Jobs"  Completing this lifted my spirits pretty effectively.  I also started video and picture documenting shit.  I will hopefully start posting vlog of my adventures to go along with my blog.  If I had my computer working this would be much easier.  I need to write that in War Chest.  *leaves*

*comes back hours later after being distracted* Where was I?  Oh yea, Monday.  I don't remember to much of Monday.  It was all overcast and rainy so I didn't get a lot done.  I think, can't really remember what, if anything, happened that night.  Oh, I just checked the date of my last blog entry.  That's what I did Monday night.  This shit takes HOURS!

Tuesday I got out of bed around 10ish.  I'm sure I woke up hours earlier and it took quite a while to defeat the morning lazies.  Part of the reason why it's so hard to get me out of bed is my dreams tend to be fucking awesome.  Crazy adventures and shit.  Anyways, I put on some nice and hopefully non-threatening clothes, and head over to the Family Dollar to get some noms to fuel me for a hopefully full day.  I see a bread truck parked outside, and I say to myself, "I wonder if they will give me any bread."  So I go inside, grab some sunflower seeds, and talk to the guy who is stocking the bread.  He gives me two loaves of Honey Wheat, and some hot dog buns!  Video Here

I brag about this to my roommates a little, make a sandwich, and then grab my sign and head out to the corner of University and Carroll.  I figured this would be a good place to get plenty of attention.  Videos in chronological order can be found here, here (I love my twin!), here, and here.  Go easy on me guys, these are the first videos I've ever taken of myself, ever.  I'm gonna try to edit them into something cool when I have the chance.  Anyways, it takes me like an hour to get my first (and only) job offer.  It was a position as a night janitor for a professional cleaning company.  In the next hour I meet a guy who tries to sell me a laptop.  I respect his hustle.  Reminded me of Honey Bear.  Another guy comes up and asks me if he can take a picture of my sign.  Says he respects that I'm not just asking for a handout and that he's gonna see what he can do.  That was cool.  I got ran off by a cop around 2:30, an hour before I estimated that I would have to leave to make it to my new job walking.  He was nice about it though.  So I go home, drop off my sign, drink some coffee, and then head out. 

I get about 20 feet from my house and as a truck drives by I am struck by the urge to stick out my thumb and give hitchhiking a try.  I stick out my thumb and the truck stops.  Act on your instincts!  He had spent time in the 70's hitchhiking, which is why he was willing to pick me up.  He takes me as far as the square, which shaved something like 1.5 miles off my trip.  Freakin win!  I thank him for the ride, tell him if he sees a party at Damn Dawg, he should drop by (since he lives close and seemed cool).  Elated from that experience, I continue walking to this new job with my thumb out.  I don't get very far when I get picked up again!  This guy was much closer to my name and worked as a ranch foreman west of Fort Worth.  That's pretty cool:)  I didn't know where the place was, but I knew the address, so he googled it.  He googled 100 off the right address though, so we kept missing it.  I told him when we stopped at the wrong address that I would call the guy and find it, that here was close enough.  He wanted for me to call and let him drive me to the place once we found out how to get there.  I wasn't comfortable with this, just because he had already put so much effort into getting me this close and I knew (you know, the knowing) that the place was crazy close.  So I shook his hand and we parted ways.  Southern Hospitality still exists.  I call the guy who had offered me the job, Tanner, and it turns out I was like 100 feet from the place.  And an hour early!  Was a very boring hour.

He eventually shows up around 4:30 and has me clean up the office to test my skills and to give me an hour of pay.  I talk to him about getting paid in cash because I had to pay rent by the very next day and I was about 80 short.  Was being the operative word.  About 5:30 the night janitor manager shows up.  His name is Alan, he's from Nicaragua and has been in the states since he was 10.  I think he's 28 now or something.  I also work with Ruth, who is younger than me and speaks barely any English, and Lady, who is 22 or something and is a American Mexican, meaning she speaks English like we go, a la bad lol.  Together the four of us clean a fabrication shop, a medical repair shop, the local plasma donation center, and a call center.  I had to resist the urge to take some of the candy the call center had in the storage room, as well as keep myself from writing shit like "you know you hate this job, your better than this, quit" on the desks of people who worked there.  Also, i found no evidence that the plasma center is run by or for vampires, but I still don't trust em.  We finish around 1, with the understanding that I wouldn't e able to work tomorrow, due to a family engagement.  PUBSTEP!

Let's see, what happened on Wednesday?  I scored some awesome shit in the dumpster of the Family Dollar across the street, including some orange and purple Halloween themed Christmas lights, a strobe light, some dog food, a foam sword, and lots of instant Velveeta shells and cheese.  WIN!  One could grow fat just off the waste of this rabidly consumerist world.  What else did I do?  I don't know, but I was in a great mood because, while I didn't have all my rent, I had the means to pay rent eventually.  Boy life gets better when you can fulfill the needs of the bottom of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. I got the top of that shit handled, but the bottom has always been an issue for me.  At the library I get an Mission from Andrea to find some cheap awesome Steampunk stuff for a outfit for her.  I also get a message from Curtis, asking how he can send me money!  I give him Cindy's email address because Chase will let you put money directly into someone's account if you know their email address.  That's pretty cool, good job Chase.  I'm sure I also did work on this website too.  And I remember Pandora was rocking my socks that day. 

I eventually went home to talk to my roommates about rent and shit.  Gregor also was having issues about paying on time, which I was happy about because it took a lot of the pressure off me.  Gregor confirmed that no one wanted me to move out and they wouldn't actually kick me out, but my past inability to pay had been a source of stress for everyone.  This is the real reason why I've been so depressed and stressed out this last while, because of the hardships I've been putting on my Family.  Es no bueno!  Anyways, I get Rachel to say she'll give me a ride to Pubstep, I get all sexy in preparation, and then hang out in the living room while I wait and write and shit.  Cindy comes home about 8:30 and hangs out in the living room with me, and her and Gregor work out the numbers for rent.  And Cindy tells me that Curtis sent me 200 dollars.  200!  Damn Dawg!  So I beat Gregor to paying rent on time since he comes up with the money about an hour later.  Around 10 o'clock I go find my phone because I had expected Rachel to come by by then and I see her message informing me that she couldn't do it sue to other circumstances and that she will see me there.  Luckily, about that time Gregor was getting ready to drop off the rent at the land lady's place, so I ask him if he'll drop me off at Pubstep and he agrees.  WIN!

And who should be there, but Regan!  Yay!  Regan is Rachel's sister and I have not gotten to hang out with her nearly enough.  She just turned 21 and I missed her celebration and shit.  Not very many burners came out that night, but the music was VERY good.  So, instead of socializing, I got to DANCE!  And Myra was there, one of the two girls in Denton I got a huge crush on.  I talked to her a few times, danced near her every chance I got, and even convinced her to stay longer.  It really was a good set.  I danced until the lights came on, and of course I was naked.  Glitter Girl showed up around midnight and became my dancing buddy for the rest of the night.  She game me a ride home, and I spent the next 2 and a half hours hanging out with Stranger, talking about his haunted house, movies, babies, etc.  I like that weird, intense mother fucker.  And I volunteered to be one of his clowns.  Probably the vampire clown.  How fucking scary. 

Thursday was boring.  I didn't know when or where I should be for work and Tanner didn't answer his phone the first few times I called him, so I left against about 4:30, thinking it might take an hour to get there.  I try the hitchhiking thing again, to great success!  I get picked up by a gamer nerd type who works at the Hamburger Time Machine on University.  He dropped me off at the front door of Alta Clean, where I wait for the next hour for Alan to get there and pick me up for work.  Hanging out with the crew was fun, but it's work, so nothing fun to tell you guys about.  It was a short night too, was over before 10.  I was really tired, from a combination of lack of sleep, and the vibe of the job.

Friday was the start of another epic adventure!  Marlon had a sleepover movie night!  First I had to work though.  Idk if I've told you guys this, but I volunteer to help this disabled couple who live across the street from me do stuff around the house.  the most important thing I do it lend them my manic energy.  But that day I cleaned their carpets.  How cool is that?  Took about two hours.  And then it was time for paying work.  I eventually got a hold of Tanner and he told me that Alan would pick me up at the Walgreens by my house at 6.  No big deal, except he told me when I was half way there walking @.@  Oh well.  I stuff some clothes for the sleep over in a bag Kotie had just given me  Work was no big deal, other than another night with barely any sleep making me tireds.  Lady dropped me off at Marlon's around midnight.

Oh, the beautiful people!  Kinda makes me want to cry just thinking about it.  I love those fuckers so much.  Who all was there?  There was Fropsie, Sean and Sheyanne, Katy and Coty, my burner mommies Shiny and Judith, Chim Chim, a girl from Pangea camp I never can remember with her boyfriend Red (normal looking? wait, idea, do burner girls date normalish guys to unconsciously lure them into our family?), Kelly, Stan, eventually Walys (omg, so crushing on her bad), and Marlon's ex-wife, Matt, and of course Marlon and Tyson.  We watched Zoolander(before I got there), Groundhog Day, Orgazmo, Mirror Mask, Wall-E, Up, Paul, Super Troopers, Your Highness; I Love You, Man; and I was watching Departed when I was taken to another thing.  More on that later.  When I got there, I looked at all the beautiful people, said high, other random words, and took a cold shower.  Marlon's gas was turned off.  Put mah naughty schoolgirl skirt and silk thai shirt on and joined my family for some awesomeness.  Didn't try to hard to watch Groundhog Day, though it was more awesome then I remembered.  There were to many distracting cuddles to get.  Orgasmo I had seen before but it took a while to remember it.  We didn't even watch half of it.  I didn't care one way or the other, I had cuddles.  Mirror Mask was intense and I want to watch it tripping.  Neil Gaimon wrote it so, you can imagine.  I specifically sat down with Shiny to watch it cuz she loved it and said I would to and it was important to her.  We shushed people.  Wall-E was great.  I think I went with Rob to Shelbies to wish her happy birthday during Wall-E.  Or maybe it was Up.  Whenever we did this, everyone else was choosing down, most of them down and out (translation, they were choosing to drop brainwaves and either be chill or sleep, which is down and out).  I got to actually talk to Marlon's ex, tell her that the divorce was actually good for him.  I think this cleared up some guilt stuff for her maybe?  Oh well, I had fun and shit.  We came back, and crashed out.  I woke up like 2 hours later, if that.  Tried to play some Skyrim (best fucking video game ever), but couldn't find it.  People eventually started waking up, and when about half of them did, I announced that it was time for up(translation, time to be active and doing stuff) so I put in Paul.  I think thats how it happened.  OMG the cuddles, they just didn't end.  Until half way through departed when Xssy picked me up and took me to Nita and Scott's house warming party. 

They are Wonderland Camp and I love this family.  It took us an hour and a half to get there and it only should have taken 30 minutes, but hey, thats always what happens when Xssy navigates.  (Xssy is gonna be pissed when she reads that, but hey, the truth only hurts as long as you deny it).  As soon as we get there Nita is standing outside, dressed semi-normal.  We huggle and she immediately tells of all the yummies (drugs) they got.  Not a super lot, but enough for everyone to have one.  I pick the shrooms cuz my best trips have all been on shrooms.  Shrooms I grow more, acid is just for play.  Perhaps I should have done the acid then?  lol.  They have a bad ass DJ station with some people with great tastes on the 1's and 2's, a projector screen with awesome visual, the WonderHookah was out, there were trip toys everywhere, two coolers of water and punch, snacks, not much alcohol, but Skye drunk me up and I was still drunk anyways, and lots of places to chill.  They do it right.  Did I mention that the Wonderland Family is fucking awesome?  Cuz they are.  They are the Rainbow kids.  I can't even tell you about all the cool things that happened while I was up.  But eventually I remembered that I was supposed to work at 11am-ish on Sunday.  Opps :)  I'm so bad at this.  So around 5 or so I put myself down.  Would find where everyone was at and just lay down.  I got plenty of cuddles, especially from Skye and Nita.  The rest will learn to be comfortable with touching me.  I know, I'm really sexy, but why does that have to get in the way of cuddles?!?  And they were completely cool with my down, sometimes doing down with me, but always letting my down be around their up. 

I wonder if I should put the rest of Sunday in there.  It's now Monday, and I missed work again (could get a hold of anyone)

2/7/2012 07:58:30 pm


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