A Burn is Fire Worship
We celebrate the flame at a Burn and all that the Element of Fire represents.  Change.  Transmutation.  Intensity.  Destruction.  Passion.  We invite these things into our lives and become living manifestations of the flame.
A Burn is Goddess Worship
In a male dominated world, this is our chance to honor the female half of cosmos.  We dance, fight, fuck, and get fucked up in celebration of the beauty and chaos of the divine goddess. 

A Burn is a Gathering of Seekers
None come to a Burn by chance.  In this world of suffering, there are those who are seeking something we can't quite put our finger on, though we might call it Truth, Meaning, etc.  Anyone you talk to at a Burn has really lived, has felt very deeply, pondered painfully, and has freed themselves of much of the illusions of life.  None are perfect, but all are interesting.

A Burn is a Playground of Identity and Expression
At a Burn you get to express the parts of you that are suppressed or neglected for one reason or another.  Or even get to play with an identity you are not!  Let your spirit free and play with all the things!
A Burn is a Community
It's like an alternative style government.  There is a minimal flat tax (the ticket) and everything else is don't through voluntary participation.  Everything happens because we want it to and are willing to work to see it happen. 
A Burn is Home
Many of us long for Home, with vague feelings and memories of light and warmth.  But Home is not a place.  It is a feeling.  It is a spark that each and every one of us holding within ourselves.  I have never seen the Spark of Home burning so brightly or shared so freely as at a Burn.  WE are Home!

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